by Travis Berger | Dec 4, 2019 | 'On Leadership' Blog
“Do you want power?” No hands go up. “Okay, who wants the ability to influence so that they can make a positive difference?” Everyone’s hand goes up. These are the two questions I have been asking graduate and undergraduate students and the typical responses I...
by Travis Berger | Nov 20, 2019 | 'On Leadership' Blog
Leadership is a dynamic process that involves leaders, followers, and context. Generally, when we talk about leadership, we default to inspiring, uplifting, positive, moral, and ethical approaches to leadership. We hold up as examples good leaders who were part of a...
by Travis Berger | Nov 13, 2019 | 'On Leadership' Blog
Leadership is the “perennial issue,” at least that is how Deloitte described it in their 2015 Global Human Capital survey report. No matter the survey, such as PwC’s annual CEO Survey or Willis Towers Watson’s annual Global Workforce Studies, leadership emerges as...
by Travis Berger | Nov 6, 2019 | 'On Leadership' Blog
Boorish behavior justified as “being authentic” is never justified, nor authentic. Unfiltered and unmitigated words justified as “being authentic” are never justified, nor authentic. Reckless actions and deeds justified as “being authentic” are never justified, nor...
by Travis Berger | Oct 29, 2019 | 'On Leadership' Blog
I’m a sports guy. I have played sports my whole life, and I love watching athletes compete. I respect people who put it on the line, who get into the cauldron of competition knowing that they might lose, that they might fail miserably. Yet, they have the courage to...
by Travis Berger | Oct 22, 2019 | 'On Leadership' Blog
Our inability to have tough conversations has undermined our collective ability to lead. Perhaps technology is to blame, or hubris, or ignorance, or the devaluing of the liberal arts. Regardless, the point remains: we have lost the ability to engage in difficult...