by Travis Berger | Mar 6, 2020 | 'On Leadership' Blog
I am not going to retread the worn-out opinions about, and labels placed on Millennials. I find many of those thoughts counterproductive and divisive. There is plenty of useful research about the Millennials, just like there is for the Greatest Generation, the Silent...
by Travis Berger | Feb 21, 2020 | 'On Leadership' Blog
In my first job out of college, I discovered that I couldn’t get any meaningful work done between 9:30am and 4:30pm. Phone calls, voice mails, emails, pop-ins, meetings, and crises all seemed to devour my time. Adding to this was that odd situation when people...
by Travis Berger | Feb 14, 2020 | 'On Leadership' Blog
The concept of work-life balance is outdated and doesn’t help. The work-life balance conversation is framed so that if one part of the equation wins, the other loses. It implies that too much work will negatively impact life and vice-a-versa, that too much life will...
by Travis Berger | Feb 8, 2020 | 'On Leadership' Blog
There has been an undeniable transformation in the dynamic between leaders and followers. Technology has ushered in a time of unfettered access to information, giving people extraordinary power. Those who did not have a voice are finding platforms to be heard, and...
by Travis Berger | Jan 31, 2020 | 'On Leadership' Blog
Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor at Stanford, lays into the leadership industry in his book Leadership B.S. He states, “Stop accepting sugar-laced but toxic potions as cures.” This blunt critique warns against leadership gurus and self-proclaimed experts who deliver...
by Travis Berger | Jan 24, 2020 | 'On Leadership' Blog
What can organizations do to position themselves for success in turbulent times? Most people offer an obvious and simple answer: we need to develop effective leaders. I agree we should keep things simple, just not this simplistic. Developing effective leaders is a...